Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory

B270 Anthony Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824


(517) 432-8254

Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University.

During cellular reprogramming, a cell is induced to change its identity and function, using tools and methods that don’t naturally occur in the context of and organism during its development and growth. The field of cellular reprogramming started in 1962 when John Gurdon demonstrated for the first time  that cells could indeed be forced to move from more to less differentiated. Since then, the field has grown exponentially, contributing to the understanding of development, cell specification, and aging, to name a few. More importantly, cellular reprogramming is now taken into account when design new therapies for human and animal diseases.

In our laboratory we work towards understanding how the cellular reprogramming works at the molecular level.

We use this knowledge to generate isogenic – fully inmune compatible – stem cells, and to improve the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).

Mission: We work towards understanding how the reprogramming process works at the molecular level. We use this knowledge to generate isogenic – fully inmune compatible – stem cells, and to improve the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).


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