Bedford Research Foundation

PO Box 1028, Bedford, MA 01730, USA


(617) 281-7902

BRF is a biomedical institute conducting stem cell and related research for diseases presently considered incurable. It does this four ways:

Carried out in the US and through collaborations in Europe. Includes:

1. Research

2. Eductional Events

  • Activated Egg Symposium: since 2002, a day for research information sharing on eggs for reproduction, stem cell derivation and therapies.
  • Spinal Cord Workshop: researchers and clinicians share information on specific barriers to a cure for spinal cord injury.

3. Laboratory Products and Services

4. Educational Media
Based on our research and events we produce:

  • Newsletters (email and snail mail): Our newsletters cover break-throughs in research, as well as easy tutorials on the basics, and updates on Foundation news. Sign-up on our homepage, or email us your snail-mail address:
  • Videos of Groundbreaking Talks: free on the event sites and through iTunes Podcasts.
    Educational Videos About Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research: available on our popular FAQs page.
    Most Foundation research cannot be federally funded because of the U.S. moratorium on research funding for activated human eggs (either artificially or by sperm). (

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